REVIEW: IVE – After Like

IVE has delivered hit after hit, from Eleven to Love Dive, and now After Like. It is songs like this that show me why I fell in love with Kpop in the first place along with helping me find a place of familiarity in amidst the many groups out there today. The 80s disco is strong here with samples from Gloria Gaynor’s hit I Will Survive and nostalgia will certainly be present whilst listening to this.

This is the type of song I love, it’s straightforward, never loses energy and it just makes me want to dance! The highlight for me was 100% Gaeul’s half-time rap it was wonderfully integrated. The producers blended the sample and other synths seamlessly and though it may not have a hook as strong as Eleven or Love Dive’s, it will certainly get stuck into your head.

We can only hope that the future will be strong for them and that an album will be delivered in the future. If it is anywhere near as strong and consistent as their singles run so far, we will be in good hands.

Vocals: 9

Production: 9

Preference: 8

Performance: 8


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